sábado, 19 de marzo de 2011

♔ sprul-sku

("transformación de luminosa plenitud")

1. These are the most exciting times in which we could ever hope to be alive which have already occurred.
2. Too often, we allow inertia to control our actions.
3. Everyone should travel.
4. 'Because that's the way things are' is not a valid reason.
5. Whenever you say 'I had no choice', you're lying.
6. It is possible to have an honest and even pleasant relationship with someone you do not like.
7. Loving someone or something heart and soul does not necessarily make it good for you, or them, or it.
8. There are ideas and inventions yet to come which will make into reality what we consider to be fantasy today.
9. Everyone has at least one story worth hearing.

10. My truth is not final.

- El Universo es constante mutación. Las dificultades suelen traer consigo grandes beneficios, pues difícil y fácil se complementan...